Tag Archives: Dan Hoddinott

A new book of poetry: Words determined to rise up and be heard


As I write this, my new poetry book, a thousand steps from home, is making its entrance into the world. With apologies to women everywhere (the only ones qualified to truly testify to the extent of the physical travail), bringing this book project from point of inspiration to physical form has felt like going through the birthing process.

The experience of fretting over not just one creative piece but an entire collection of works is like no other literary endeavor. The challenges are many: creative flow, logistics and then crucial decisions at crossroads not anticipated when the project began.

A volume of poetry, much like a musical album, is actually a collection of creative expressions gathered together in one package for the purpose of developing a thematic whole. (At least this is what’s true for me when selecting parts for assembly.) The individual pieces don’t necessarily have a direct relationship to those abutting them (though in some cases they might), but neither are they random choices; they are all constituent parts of a greater whole, throughout which an identifiable theme persists.

Not lost on the exhausted poet in calculating the emotional toll afterward is that many of those constituent parts had been carefully crafted earlier as standalone works; now asked to surrender individual stature for the sake of becoming part of a collective, in which the statement that makes it great defers to one generated by process and not organic inspiration.

Done well, it most definitely is the thematic whole that carries the day. Whether it works is determined by the reader, not the author: Did you see yourself or your life experience reflected in some way as your eyes traveled across the span of pages?

In many of my major creative works, the overarching theme describes a journey, and many of the pieces are drawn from observations the traveling-man persona I develop would have been apt to make in the traversing of a stretch of land from one place to the next. It works that way on the Sighs of the Times CD as well.

Poetry is still the most honest form of written expression, as far as I’m concerned. A poet will knowingly enter into the grueling creative process for reasons other than commercial success, while most other writers calculate the financial return before setting pen to paper. Nor is the motivation limited to creating beautiful word objects, in the hopes of eliciting recognition for praiseworthy craftsmanship. While hope reigns eternal on both of those fronts, the poet is more likely to be moved by an irrepressible need to convey insight having been gained into aspects of the human condition, of injustice perpetrated on some innocent, of hope and longing, and perhaps even a realization that owes its dawning to the requisite number of hours spent in a long night, contemplating the color of despair. Continue reading

From sea to shining sea


When visiting Los Angeles, they tell you, start at Venice Beach. I agree, the Pacific Ocean is as good a place as any to begin your tour. Or, better yet, to start a memorable journey. You never know where those westerlies will move you once you have turned your face away from their caress and feel them press like a firm hand upon your back.

Let go. You might just wind up anywhere.

Many a panorama glimpsed will make you gasp, especially those met unexpectedly as you round a bend in the road: mountains (sandstone, granite or cloaked in woods) rising impossibly high before you, valleys (desert or fertile) sweeping seemingly from sky to sky, relying on the mountains on either side to tell them where to stop.

You’ll wind your way through grimacing canyons, towering walls made grotesquely beautiful by the scars they still bear from the greater will of passing glaciers from long ago. You’ll encounter monuments in rock-strewn hills, some of them left behind by purposeless process, others hewn out of solid rock by the stronger will of human imagination. And in the cities, towns, farms and pastures met along the way one can see testament to human conquering, dreams and destiny — or at least fruitful occupation. Continue reading